A stylized photo of six members of a 1920s ragtime band

“Blank” – A 1920s Call of Cthulhu Adventure, Maps, and Music!

I’m a lucky game master! Sometimes, I have ideas, and they turn out to be fun — fun to build a scenario around, fun to run, and fun to share with others. And one of my favorites has been the scenario I authored called “Blank” about a 1920s ragtime band. Here’s how I describe it […]

Convalescence – A 1920s Adventure for Call of Cthulhu

Convalescence – A 1920s Adventure for Call of Cthulhu – Miskatonic Repository Well, I’ve gone and done it. I took place in the Storytelling Collective‘s workshop to write a tabletop RPG adventure. And it’s released to the world! There’s no hope for us now. To buy it, go to DriveThruRPG.  Here’s the synopsis.   Wounded […]