An orange cat sitting int the middle of a table on top of maps and materials used in a Call of Cthulhu tabletop role playing game

The Best Seat for Watching Call of Cthulhu Is Right in the Middle

Witness one of my cats, who is very social and really likes company, plopping himself down during the middle of game map and materials during a recent Call of Cthulhu scenario. This does disrupt the immersion a bit, but perhaps I’ll run a game sometime with a cat kaiju and thus have a ready-made NPC […]
A stylized photo of six members of a 1920s ragtime band

“Blank” – A 1920s Call of Cthulhu Adventure, Maps, and Music!

I’m a lucky game master! Sometimes, I have ideas, and they turn out to be fun — fun to build a scenario around, fun to run, and fun to share with others. And one of my favorites has been the scenario I authored called “Blank” about a 1920s ragtime band. Here’s how I describe it […]
An RPG map with characters from the "Moon Killer" scenario

Moon Killer: A Call of Cthulhu Scenario Inspired by Doctor X (1932) — FREE

(If you are a Call of Cthulhu player, try not to read this, but instead send it to your game master if your group is looking for a fun and creepy idea for game.) As I write this, we are approaching a spooky time of year. For those who are looking for ways to entertain […]

Curio – A 2-Page Adventure for Call of Cthulhu

Now available at! The funeral takes place on a rainy summer afternoon in June 1925. You pay respects to Minerva Fortescue, obscure occultist and long-retired emerita of your secret society. She was privy to many mysteries, their nature passing with her as she left this life. But your Order asks you to take on […]
The Upper Floor of the Barnaker House

Playing The Dare from Sentinel Hill Press? How About Some Maps?

Hello, Gamemasters! I have been inspired by The Dare, written by Kevin A. Ross and published by Sentinel Hill Press. I have heard it is a favorite one-shot, especially for Halloween, and the 1980s setting certainly conjures memories for those of a certain vintage, which includes me. It’s a bit of a refreshing change from […]

Dissonance – A 1-Page 1920s Adventure for Call of Cthulhu

Convalescence, my first Call of Cthulhu scenario, was a labor of love (and Lovecraft) and the focus of my first effort as part of the RPG Writer’s Workshop from Storytelling Collective. After quite a few successful outings as a Keeper — I mean, I survived them, and isn’t that the important thing? — it was […]

Convalescence – A 1920s Adventure for Call of Cthulhu

Convalescence – A 1920s Adventure for Call of Cthulhu – Miskatonic Repository Well, I’ve gone and done it. I took place in the Storytelling Collective‘s workshop to write a tabletop RPG adventure. And it’s released to the world! There’s no hope for us now. To buy it, go to DriveThruRPG.  Here’s the synopsis.   Wounded […]

Review – The Mummy of Pemberley Grange

The Mummy of Pemberley Grange by Type40 is a tight, four-page scenario for the Call of Cthulhu RPG set in the 1920s and is terrific to play in a single session. I’ll offer thoughts in this brief review to help Keepers decide if this scenario is right for them to run — but in my […]